Run Buddy
A landing page for a company that pairs people with personal trainers. Created with HTML and CSS.
Hello, and welcome to my website! My name is Kaia Scheirman. I am a
full stack developer who currently resides in Eugene, Oregon. My
hobbies include reading, psychology, and entertaining my perpetually
unamused cat. I am a fast learner and have a thirst for learning that
is never quite quenched.
I started my programming journey in January of 2022. I recently
completed a Full Stack Coding Bootcamp through University of Oregon.
My goal is to secure a job in the field of web development.
A landing page for a company that pairs people with personal trainers. Created with HTML and CSS.
An application that allows users to search for Pokemon and save them to a team. Created with HTML, Tailwind, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize, and Handlebars.
An application that allows users to search for recipes and have them read out loud. Created with HTML, Bulma, JavaScript, APIs, and jQuery.